The delivery. Timber for decking and supports, screws, membrane etc etc. The truck was pretty big - and I wasn’t sure that the concrete driveway would support it. Luckily, the crane had a decent reach, so the driver was able to place everything just in front of the garage door. Just remained for me to shift everything inside (didn’t want timber dring out quickly in the sun).
The deck was to be done in two sections (6x3 metres and 5x4 metres, approx). I had previously created a number of small foundations (about 40cm3 each) to act as supports - they were a bit randomly placed, as I was trying to avoid tree roots as far as possible. So, the main support beams may look a bit irregular because they are following the placement of the foundations. Smaller support planks will be added to the main beams, and these will be more evenly spaced (so that the final screws look neat!).
Laying everything out and checking heights before laying the membrane, putting everything back and adding cross-bracing…
Adding the second layer of supports, protective tape added and working out how to take account of the tree with the final deck planks.
First section pretty much done. A few planks still to be adjusted and screwed into place (back left hand corner is for plants to go in). This section was slightly easier than the second section, because most of the (3m) planks did not need cutting.
Next… Same process for the second section. Given that the timber lengths were 3m, some joints necessary for this section. Extremities supported by wall mounts.
The angled bit is there because the services come through the garden wall around here - and I wanted to avoid having permanent decking installed over the run of services under the garden to the house. Because, you never know! Also took the chance to run some conduit under the decking to have some electric supply to different areas.
Close to being finished. Scrappy piece of turf tidied up with some membrane, gravel, and pavers. Enough timber left over to do a small section by the side of the house (by the side of the inflatable spa). Also made a couple of extra planters.
A few odds and ends to do, including finding a dry period when I can apply the sealer, and finding some kind of border for the holes where flowers are planter.